Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 4th, 6th and 7th

Some pictures are on my digital camera and I cannot easily transfer them to the computer right now, but here are some taken with a cell phone camera to fill in most of the past few days.

June 4, 2011 - At home

June 6, 2011 - North of Washougal

June 7, 2011 - East Portland

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Welcome to Finding Blue...in Greater Portland and beyond

Welcome to my blog, Finding Blue. I would like to start by thanking you for stopping by and by defining a few terms.

Greater Portland...when I refer to greater Portland, I am being generous in my geography. On this blog, this can include anywhere within a one hour drive of the edge of the city of Portland, Oregon.

Finding Blue...when spoken of in terms of pictures or weather, this means looking for the blue that can be found peeking through our often cloudy/rainy skies. In terms of lifestyle, it refers to looking for the good that is happening in our lives, even when it seems as if storms are raging all around us, thus the blue through the clouds.

My Family...when I refer to my family, I am probably referring to either my husband, one of my six children, or a combination thereof. It may also refer to various other family relations, i.e. my sister, brother, parents, in-laws, etc.

Pictures...I will be posting a picture each day, unless unforeseen circumstances thwart me. I will also be trying to make them interesting. I love pictures of the sky, and could look at them all day, but I recognize not everyone shares this fetish with me. I will be taking them from a variety of locations, hoping to also catalog some of what makes this such a great place to live, work, and play.

Now, I realize there are some naysayers out there who probably don't believe the sun ever peeks through the clouds here between January and April, but I hope to be able to prove them wrong. I recently heard a local radio host referring to pictures of spring that were posted on their station's website. She commented on how lovely they were and then said "but where is all that blue sky from? We haven't had any of that around here. I sure would like to see some..." Well, everyone, here's your chance. and I would say to her, and all of us, maybe it's been here all along, we just haven't thought to look for it.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and may joy find us as we begin finding blue.

June 2, 2011 - North of Camas

June 2, 2011 - Skamania County